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We  believe that raising godly children is the single most important responsibility given to parents, the school encourages parents to be actively involved in every aspect of their child's life, which includes their formal education. 

Parent Organization (PO)

VCA is committed to partnership education. The Parent Organization provides opportunities for parents to become actively involved in the school. During the course of the school year the Parent Organization’s representative(s) meets regularly with the school administration to plan opportunities for parent involvement in the
school and to serve as the liaison between the school and parents. The PO will be
directly involved with the school administration in planning and implementing the
1. Meeting on a quarterly basis.
2. Planning and conducting fundraisers.
3. Maintaining lists of parents who are willing to serve as volunteers in the school and
when there are special needs.
4. Developing and implementing a school-wide prayer chain.
5. Developing and implementing a plan for teacher appreciation activities throughout
the year.
6. Assisting in various programs and activities throughout the year.


 VCA requires a minimum of 5 hours of volunteer service (per family) to the school annually. The hours must directly benefit VCA. Some examples include: cleaning up after an event, cleaning a classroom, assisting a teacher, lunch/ recess supervision. The hours accrued will be communicated to each family quarterly. If approved by the administrator, a relative may also assist in accumulating volunteer hours. Families short of 5 volunteer hours will be charged at a rate of $25 per hour.


Supply List

A list of supplies needed for each class will be made available before each school year begins. 

Mrs. Kistler's Class

Pre-K 4 



Mrs. Mulvaney's Class

K - 2nd Grade




Mrs. Hedgpeth's Class

3rd - 4th Grade




 Mrs. Hebenstreit's Class

5th - 8th Grade


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