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True Friendship

Vandalia Christian Academy

Todays special guest was Matt Philbrick. Matt talked to the children about friendship and how a friend should not only be there when times are easy but when times are hard as well. He then read from Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity".

He then read from Mark 2 which talks about the paralyzed man who had four friends bring him to Jesus. When the men were carrying his friend they realized that the crowd was so big due to Jesus teaching that they had to find another way. Instead of just giving up on their friend and saying well we tried, they looked for another way. It says in the bible that the friends took him on the roof and they made a hole to lower the paralyzed man down to where Jesus was. It says in Mark 2:5 "When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”

Now in this crowd of people there were Pharisees who did not like Jesus. I would like to say that it always amazes me when I read this. Why, might you ask? Well these guys where the ones that could talk the talk but couldn't walk the walk. They were so spiritually blind that they couldn't see who was right in front of them. The Savior, KING JESUS was standing right there in front of them! When the Pharisees saw this they questioned Jesus saying who gave you authority to do such a thing and also said that he was blaspheming. Jesus then looked at the paralyzed man and it says in Mark 2:11-12 “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home". He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed everyone and they praised God, saying, “We have never seen anything like this!”

It makes you think. If the friends didn't take their paralyzed friend to Jesus, would he have been healed? Who knows maybe he would have seen Jesus later on, but who would want to take that chance, when he is standing right there! Which leads me to giving YOU a task. (You didn't think you would be having homework today would you? lol) Today, there might be someone that you see who does not know Jesus, or maybe needs prayers for healing, etc. I ask that you be a friend and show them the way to KING JESUS!!

At the end Matt encouraged the children to be a true friend and to help lead others to KING JESUS!

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